Netsville presents our top 5 Best of the Week picks for Internet Marketing stories and developments from across the web.

If you see a story or feature that you’d like to suggest for Best of the Week, please include it in the comment section below!


Going beyond Super Bowl engagement metrics to find what consumers really think 

Viewers no longer just watch the Super Bowl. They interact with the big game much the way they interact with all television — with their fingers flying on social media.

And besides their armchair quarterback comments and their cheers and jeers during fumbles, stumbles and interceptions, Super Bowl fans like to talk about the commercials.

Advertisers know this, so the day after, and for days after, we get reports. Lots and lots of reports. With a lot of different metrics on how fans engaged with the brands.


Read more at MarTech Today.


Social Media Crisis Management: A Guide to Staying Calm Under Pressure

Few things are as satisfying as watching a major brand getting mercilessly owned on social media. Even if it’s a brand we don’t particularly care about – or perhaps precisely because we don’t care about them – seeing a faceless corporation get bodied by legions of angry consumers on Twitter or Facebook is pure schadenfreude at its best, especially if they had it coming (which, let’s be honest, they almost always do).


Read more at Business 2 Community.


SEO Cheat Sheet: Best Practices To Rank Your B2B Website in Google’s Top 10 Results

Applying these small practices can make your small business rank on top

Organic search is typically the largest traffic source for any B2B website, usually accounting for 60-70% of total traffic. But simply receiving this organic traffic doesn’t mean that it’s the right traffic that is going to convert.

I’ll show you how to better optimize your web pages so you can rank in Google top 10, attract the right people, and grow your revenue.

Read more at Business 2 Community.


GroundTruth launches new self-service mobile-location ad-buying platform

GroundTruth has launched a new self-service ad-buying platform. Called “GroundTruth Ads Manager,” it’s billed as “the industry’s first end-to-end self-serve platform for mobile location-based advertising,” and it reportedly touches “2 out of 3 smartphone users” in the US market.


Read more at MarTech Today.


Crypto Coins

The Richest People In Cryptocurrency

Given this universe’s opaqueness and hyper-volatility, we’re presenting our first-ever list of the richest people in cryptocurrency in net-worth estimates in ranges. We based our numbers on estimated holdings of cryptocurrencies (a few provided proof), post-tax profits from trading crypto-assets and stakes in crypto-related businesses, and locked in our estimates using prices on Jan. 19, 2018.



Read more at Forbes.

Check back next week for more Netsville Internet Marketing picks from across the web!
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