Awhile ago I wrote about what is Internet Property Management and the benefits to hiring an Internet Property Management company. If you are still not quite sure what Internet Property Management is, check out this quick informational video.
One of the biggest reasons to hire an Internet Property Management (IPM) company is you only have to deal with one company, rather than numerous companies when it comes to your website, or as we refer to it, an Internet property. An Internet property is made up of a series of complex systems that all have to work together. When issues arise, you need them resolved quickly.
When hiring an IPM company you are assigned an Internet property manager. The Internet property manager will be your guide for the whole process of building your online presence. The Internet property manager’s main goal is building a relationship with the customer through this process. Developing, testing, deploying, maintaining and marketing an Internet property, is a collaborative process. Building a sound relationship with the customer makes collaborating that much easier.
At the end of the day, the Internet property represents your business and one of the goals is to portray your message(s) properly. Having one contact person for a business owner makes building an online presence much simpler, especially when changes and updates need to be made on the Internet property. That way when changes need to be made or problems occur there is no confusion in who you need to call. Nothing slips through the cracks because one manager is designated to be responsible for all the various systems in dealing with that Internet property.
IPM is an innovative process in building an online presence and developing an Internet property. In the past, a business owner would pay thousands of dollars to a web developer to create an Internet property. Once the property was finished, it was handed off to a hosting company and the developer would kind of disappear and might be hard to reach when needed to make the inevitable changes. This is obviously extremely frustrating, especially for a business owner who is not able to make these changes themselves.
This is why having a knowledgeable Internet property manager is essential for an Internet property’s success. Remember, developing a property is not the only goal in mind. After launching your new site, the next step is to drive traffic to it so you can make a sale. This is accomplished through a marketing plan the Internet property manager develops with you. Again, it is a collaborative process.
Google and other search engines, reward an Internet property that is constantly updated. If you have a static property that is not consistently updated, other sites will move past yours in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Your property might be punished by the search engines and fall in the rankings. Obviously, this will then start to negatively effect your ROI. Content is king, especially to the search bots.
The point behind creating a nice looking Internet property is to show it off to the world, with a goal in mind to drive more people to your business and through the front door. Making sure that the end user has a pleasant experience contributes to the site’s success. Smartphones and social media have changed the way the world accesses information and the speed of consumption is increasing daily. It has become essential to have a good looking and functional website, but more importantly, a mobile friendly one that utilizes responsive web design.
Establishing a responsive, nice-looking Internet property is a great goal, but you cannot let your desire to have a “hot-looking site” limit your thinking here. Web development companies get paid handsomely to hand you a hot-looking site, but that is not the end game for you. Before you can begin to move your products and services, you need to find a quality hosting company, too. An IPM company tackles this task, as well.
There are indeed many complex systems involving many moving parts to ensure your Internet property finds success. Your business surely needs a plan to accomplish all of this. An Internet Property Management marketing plan that is developed with your collaboration and utilizes an IPM marketing playbook. There are plays for: email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, display advertising, SEO, SEM and many others, that can assure that your plan is designed for success.
You want to drive people to that website so you can get a return on investment. The marketing plan designed specifically for your business will help you get a return. Once the marketing campaign is full speed ahead, it will be up to the Internet property manager to monitor the success. Through analytics and reporting, they are able to track what is successful and what could be optimized to ensure more success. This is another great feature in having an Internet property manager, having the ability to collaborate with you, react and update the marketing plan to achieve the highest success.
The Internet Property Management system is an innovative process to help business owners continue to do what they do best, run their business. This is mostly attributed to the IPM company methodology of collaborating, guiding and taking responsibility. At every point in the process, the complex system of your Internet property needs daily attention. Increase your online success without added stress by getting yourself an Internet property manager. Let someone else take responsibility.
Based in Rochester, New York, Netsville is an Internet Property Management company specializing in managing the Digital Marketing, Technical, and Business Solutions for our customers since 1994. For more information, please click here.