Netsville presents our top 5 Best of the Week picks for Internet Marketing stories and developments from across the web.

If you see a story or feature that you’d like to suggest for Best of the Week, please include it in the comment section below!


The Way You Check Email Is Making You Less Productive

“The average person checks their email about 15 times per day. But a recent study from researchers at the University of British Columbia found that when people were limited to checking their email just three times per day, their stress levels decreased significantly. The folks who limited their email checking also felt that they were more able to complete their most important work. And they felt a greater sense of accomplishment at work.

“Unfortunately, based on the 5,242 leaders that have taken the free online quiz ‘How Do Your Time Management Skills Stack Up?,’ 78% of people check their email frequently throughout the day. And 66% say that the first things they do in the morning are check email or voicemail…”

Read more at Forbes.


Using Emojis In Your Emails: A Beginner’s Guide

“If you’re an email marketer who is just beginning to implement emojis in your messages, you are not alone. In fact, the use of emojis in marketing is up 557 percent from last year; 700 million marketing messages with emojis were sent last year, compared to just 145 million the year before.

“And these marketers are onto something—56 percent of brands report experiencing an increase in open rates when emojis are included in email subject lines. While boosting open rates is the most significant benefit of utilizing these little icons, emojis can also help brands express their personality, seem more modern and approachable, save valuable space in subject lines, and stand out in what are becoming increasingly crowded inboxes…”

Read more at Business 2 Community.


Tips to Writing Short and Catchy Headlines

“Mastering the art of writing enticing headlines and exciting teasers takes practice. Just like a great book title, a headline is the hook that captures the attention of readers. The teaser is similar to the snippet found on the back cover. These pieces not only create the first impression, setting the tone for the words that follow, but they also provide important clues to what the content is about. When a headline isn’t enticing or informative, readers simply move on to the next article that does look interesting…”

Read more at Entrepreneur.


New EU Copyright Rules: Basic Fairness or Punitive Media Subsidy?

“Europe sees a fairer marketplace, Google sees a bonanza for lawyers. ears ago, the internet effectively destroyed the once-mighty business model of newspapers. It has also put considerable pressure on other traditional media and entertainment, which often argue their work is being pirated and distributed online without fair compensation.

“There can be little dispute that journalism is critical to democratic societies. However, the question is what to do about the business models of legacy media organizations. The recently proposed EU copyright directive has one answer — and it’s one that Google doesn’t like very much…”

Read more at Search Engine Land.


YouTube’s Solution to Moderation Will Be a Mess

“YouTube is famously terrible at announcing site changes, and the upcoming rollout of its ‘community’ features are thus far no different. Today it created a program to enlist users as moderators, and it’s bound to be a goddamn mess.

“The video—posted to the YouTube Help channel and entitled ‘Getting Started with YouTube Heroes’—gives a high-level explanation of what moderation will look like. Users who apply for and are accepted into the program will gain points for things like writing subtitles, reporting content that violates the community guidelines, or ‘shar[ing] knowledge with others.’ Points count towards a vague, gamified leveling system…”

Read more at Gizmodo.

Check back next week for more Netsville Internet Marketing picks from across the web!
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