Content marketing will always be important when achieving your best results in marketing online. The more content you have, the more reliable you seem as a source and the more likely you are to be find. Although quantity and quality are very important to successful content marketing, another important aspect is adapting to the times. As times change, so does the wants and needs of the customer. The type of content and how they want to consume it is something that varies often. Preparing for this change and staying up to date so you can be the first to trends will benefit you greatly. 

Check out this article from Search Engine Journal for more information on how you can prepare for changes in content marketing.

9 Futurist Content Marketing Insights You Must Know Now


The creative content marketing secret may be in the palm of your hand, or an extension of it.

The smartphone has evolved from a personal necessity to a revolutionary content-producing machine. Its built-in camera is wired with superpower-like features, formats, apps, platforms, lenses, filters, and social media channel magic.

Its output potential is making marketers think and rethink visual content strategies at record speed.

So what does the future of content marketing hold and how can you dare to be different?

Here are nine ways to stand out and explore new marketing realities with visuals.

1. Facebook Live: From Thumbs up to Thumbs Down

Last year’s content marketing golden child was Facebook Live and on its heels came the episodic-style Facebook Watch.

Yet just last month Social Media Examiner’s Michael Stelzner dropped a news bomb announcing to abruptly cancel three of its four weekly Facebook shows.


Right when brands were finally warming up to the concept of going live and Facebook dependency is at an all-time high, industry leaders are pulling the plug.

Is this the end of Facebook marketing as we know it?

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Dramatic pause.

Stelzner, who is the producer of the world’s largest social media conference, made it clear – just because the brand’s Facebook videos were pulled off the air, video marketing is stronger than ever.

The problem?

Long-form content was not working for the media company.

“This is a very rapidly changing world and when the facts change we need to change,” Stelzner said in his PSA. The video announcement broadcasted ironically via Facebook.

The message? Let’s not jump ship on Facebook.

Instead, be fluid, be flexible, and keep a constant eye on the type of content your audience is resonating with and congregating to the most.

As marketers, we must be in a constant state of what’s next and adjust accordingly. In other words either sleep one hour less or meditate one hour more.

The social networks are wasting no time in abandoning what isn’t working and poaching inspiration from the competition.

Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories are a lookalike audience to Snapchat’s original Stories feature.

2. Vertical Video: Baby, I Was Born This Way

Videos are the cupid of making everything real and authentic.

Just a few years ago, vertical video was almost considered taboo.

Now the video status is vertical for the win.


Read More at Search Engine Journal 

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