Content is King. How many times have you heard that phrase? You know what? Content Marketing did not start with the Internet. Quality content on your website is just another way of communicating a story to your website visitors, tell them what you do, show them what you do, be the authority and they will come. “If you build it, they will come,” right? When Ben Franklin began his printing business, people learned about it because he began publishing Poor Richard’s Almanac. The almanac was not only an annual publication of weather forecasts, household hints, puzzles, and other content; it was a vehicle to promote his printing press business. The content is what drew people in.
The infographic below shows examples of other companies that used content to promote, if you will, their businesses. Styles they used were company newsletters, niche catalogs, guidebooks, recipe books, etc. What content can you deliver so that visitors will see you as an authority on a subject in order to promote your business? See the infographic below to understand how long content marketing has been around.
Source: Content Marketing Institute
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