To the degree that social media has completely reshaped the way human beings of the 21st century interact, it is no surprise that it has earned its own day of global observance – National Social Media Day (#SMDay) – which around our office is everyday.

Let’s face it – social media is not just for posting the latest photo of your grandchild or new puppy. It has reconnected long lost relatives and friends, spread and even broken news worldwide faster than we had ever imagined before, and it is a great place for sharing recipes too. It has provided a platform for people to collaborate on big ideas and projects from around the world. It has changed the way we do business globally to the point where it is now imperative that businesses have social media profiles, pages, and managers to add value to their brand.

Originally founded and observed by Mashable in 2010 in recognition of how much of a factor social media plays in all of our lives, the festivities have grown incrementally over the last few years. With events planned around the world in celebration, take a few moments and reflect on how it has changed your life. Snap a video for your friends, like a Facebook post, or retweet a certain Netsville article in recognition of National Social Media Day!

Based in Rochester, New York, Netsville is an Internet Property Management company specializing in managing the Digital Marketing, Technical, and Business Solutions for our customers since 1994. For more information, please click here.