Mobilegeddon, Google’s epic evolution towards ranking sites that are mobile-friendly higher in search results, has come and gone. While it didn’t leave popular websites in the immediate tatters of obscurity as many prophesied, this has been attributed to the fact that many sites had already converted. Google’s Gary Illyes stated on Twitter that “there were a load of sites that became [mobile-friendly] recently, so the actual number of sites affected decreased considerably.”

While slight changes have become more prevalent in search results as the weeks have rolled by, Illyes warns that “not all pages [have been] reindexed yet so they don’t have the new scores. Yet.” Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Land is more optimistic for the future impact of Mobilegeddon. “Will things in Google’s mobile search results change even more over the next couple weeks?” he asks. “I doubt it. I suspect what we see today is going to be the worst of this Mobilegeddon.”

With 50% of eCommerce purchases being made on mobile devices and the public’s ever-increasing dependency on them, Google took what it considered a necessary step into herding websites down this path. Whether a retail site, community site, or blog, visitors in general flock to those that are mobile friendly rather than put up with the often distracting or disruptive elements of desktop sites adapted to mobile.

The following infographic effectively breaks down the statistics and reasoning behind Mobilegeddon:


For more information on Mobilegeddon, check out our article “Google’s Mobilegeddon: What you Need to Know.”

Source: monitis

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