When running a small business or any business for this matter, you want to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity out of your employees. In a day and age where so many tools and apps are available to help get your job done, it would seem easy to do this. However, the abundance of data and content out there can also make being productive harder. There are so many distractions every second of the day that can get you sidetracked. Even when you are working or researching as best you can, there’s emails, messages, and ads constantly popping up to grab your attention.
This can be a major problem when running a small business as you don’t have many employees. With the lack of company size, you can only afford so many people to be distracted. If you want to find out how to increase productivity in a small business, read the article from Komando for more information.
If you need help with your small business, contact Netsville today and we can provide you with the support you need.
How to take steps to improve productivity in your small business
When it comes to managing small businesses, you can have the right technology, the best business plan possible and the greatest employees around, but you simply won’t succeed without securing some sort of plan for productivity. That’s why, when talking small business plans and employee tasks, you need to make sure you budget time and ideas for managing productivity.
We’ll discuss how you can do this now, with ideas and considerations brought to you by our sponsor, Dell Small Business.
With all the tools we have at our disposal, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones that rival supercomputers in our pockets, and the internet, we should be seeing employees being more productive than ever. Unfortunately, despite advances in technology, the availability and dissemination of information, and the improvements to the average workplace in general, productivity levels can still struggle.
In fact, these augments often work to drive productivity in the opposite direction, as workers are continually distracted. We’re always connected to the internet, social media and the goings-on of the world, which means that it’s easy to tune out the demands of the workplace, which is a frustrating situation to be in.
That’s why, when it comes to keeping employees productive in the realm of small businesses, the key to success is focusing on striking a balance between remaining “plugged in” and knowing when to disconnect to commit to understanding and completing everyday work tasks.
Changing productivity with tech
Change starts with identifying and isolating habits that lead to a loss of productive time, such as answering emails or responding to social media posts. Recent studies have shown that 40% of workers don’t return to tasks after they’re interrupted, while it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back on task if they do indeed decide to. Email is a massive time-waster, so much that it can become extremely distracting. Luckily, companies can leverage the options technology has offered over the last few years to lessen these issues and help employees focus.
Simple ideas, like adding a second monitor for those who work on a good amount of data entry tasks, or even changing the types of meetings you hold into different formats to maximize time, can have a huge impact on productivity as well.
Going back to basics
There are things that you can use, built into your operating systems, to help lessen distraction time and keep employees on task. You don’t even need to look anywhere else to install these helpful tools.
For one, Microsoft’s Edge browser on Windows 10 features “Reading Mode,” which helps clear distractions and helps readers and workers focus only on the important items at hand. Sometimes, you can do this without any technology at all and keep employees from being distracted by using old-school solutions like signs, keeping office doors closed, wearing headphones, or a selection of other helpful actions.
Productivity levels can also be proactively managed by helping to lower stress levels. Research from Towers Watson has confirmed in the past that employees suffering from high stress levels tend to have lower engagement and miss work than their other coworkers who aren’t dealing with as much of it. Slowing things down and focusing on positivity, taking time for self-care and even making sure employees are well-rested are all important factors.
When it comes to ensuring everyone’s needs are properly met in the workplace, you have to consider just about every angle, and these are some of the most important when it comes to operating small businesses.
Improve your workplace with Dell today and visit dell.com/businessdeals for more information and ideas on how to keep your employees hustling, bustling and productive.
Read More at Kim Komando
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