Netsville presents our top 5 Best of the Week picks for Internet Marketing stories and developments from across the web.

If you see a story or feature that you’d like to suggest for Best of the Week, please include it in the comment section below!

Google brings ‘Funding Choices’ ad messaging to more countries & adds subscription offer

“After its launch in June 2017 for publishers in North America, the UK, Germany, Australia and New Zealand, Google’s Funding Choices ad messaging is now expanding to 31 more countries.

The program was created as part of Google’s “Coalition for Better Ads” efforts and is aimed to help publishers recover lost revenue from ad-blocking issues.”

Read more at Marketing Land.

Twitter attributes more than half of its $575M Q1 ad revenue to video

“According to Twitter’s Q1 2018 earnings report, video ads accounted for more than half of the $575 million advertising revenue it earned during the first quarter of this year.

Twitter’s total revenue for the quarter was $665 million, a 21 percent increase year over year, and was split nearly evenly between its US market ($347 million) and international markets ($318 million). The $318 million revenue earned from international markets reflected 53 percent growth year over year.”

Read more at MarTech Today.

Reports: Fake reviews are a growing problem on Amazon, Google

“As reviews have grown in importance, so have efforts to game the system. The problem is growing on both Google Maps and Amazon, according to third-party analysis and reporting.

report yesterday in The Washington Post found that the buying of fake reviews by merchants hoping to boost sales of their products is a widespread problem on Amazon.”

Read more at Search Engine Land.

Britain, France And Germany Fight It Out To Be Europe’s AI Leader

European countries are fighting it out to become leaders in artificial intelligence (AI), with several nations committing hundreds of millions of pounds in the last few weeks. They’re competing with the likes of the US and China, who are widely thought of as the current world leaders.

Britain announced a £1 billion-plus deal “to make the UK a global leader in AI” on Thursday. However, only £300 million of that is public funding. The rest is coming from more than 50 private companies and other organizations.

Read more at Forbes.

5 Social Media Marketing Blunders to Avoid

“If your social media marketing results are anything less than expected, it could be because of several reasons. Even the smallest of these factors could mean the difference between having a viral post or having a dead post. Both experienced and novice social media marketers are prone to committing these mistakes, by a momentary lapse of judgment.

Are you suffering the setbacks of these 5 social media marketing blunders? Let’s find out…”

Read more at Business 2 Community.

Check back next week for more Netsville Internet Marketing picks from across the web!
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